What is the IAB?
The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is critical to the success of the SoilTech IUCRC, creating a link from industry, government, and foundations to academia. Organizations that join SoilTech as members appoint a representative to the IAB to act on behalf of their organization and to guide SoilTech’s research and operations for the benefit of their organization. An organization’s IAB representative will attend two annual in-person IAB meetings (hosting of meetings rotates among the partner universities) as well as regular virtual IAB meetings to determine the Center’s research priorities, to select research proposals for funding, to consult on Center operating procedures, to hear research progress updates, and more.
Who can be part of the SoilTech IAB?
The IAB is composed of representatives from a variety of organizations like private companies, corporations, foundations, and federal, state and local government entities. Current IAB member companies have interests in precision agriculture, sustainability, climate change mitigation, farming and agricultural technology, remote and in situ sensing technology, networking and IoT, soil and water contamination and mitigation, carbon capture and carbon accounting, infrastructure, defense, utilities, insurance, transportation and more.
What does the IAB do?
The IAB is responsible for attending IAB meetings, setting the Center’s research priorities, selecting research projects for funding, determining the Center’s operating procedures, and receiving regular reports on projects funded by the Center.
How can my company participate in the IAB?
Members pay an annual fee — $50,000 for full members, with 1 full vote on board matters, or $25,000 for associate members, with 1/2 of a vote on board matters. An IAB member can purchase multiple memberships, but one company is limited to a maximum of 2 voting rights. 90% of a company’s membership fee goes to the center’s research budget. New IAB members must sign the NSF IUCRC Membership Agreement. Once that agreement is fully executed, IAB members will be invoiced for their membership fee.
What benefits do IAB members receive?
IAB Members have the opportunity to prioritize Center research directions, and to participate in high-impact research with minimal investment of resources. IAB member organizations gain access to reports on SoilTech’s pre-competitive research and non-exclusive, royalty-free Center IP, as well as the opportunity to network and collaborate with industry peers and academic partners, to recruit students from participating universities, and to participate in additional funding opportunities through NSF programs like INTERN and SBIR, and much more.
What research does SoilTech do?
For more details about SoilTech’s research, view our one-pager and our Research Themes page.
Have more questions?
To learn more about SoilTech or to join SoilTech’s Industry Advisory Board, contact us! To learn more about the NSF IUCRC program, including the benefits of IAB membership, visit the IUCRC website.