Healthy soils are needed to sustain life, to grow food, to provide shelter, to provide resilient infrastructure, and to enable mobility, but there is presently a lack of knowledge about many key aspects of soil and its dynamics such as variations in the moisture and organic matter content, and how these variations affect soil health and stability. The Center for Soil Technologies (SoilTech) is a partnership among the University of Southern California, Iowa State University, the University of Connecticut, and the University of Washington to address this knowledge gap with a mission to support industries related to agriculture, defense, energy, and environment. By convening researchers across the nation with complementary areas of expertise, and by recruiting Industry Advisory Board members from a broad range of industry, foundation, and government organizations, SoilTech will make crucial progress in understanding soil dynamics. SoilTech will serve as a first-of-its-kind hub for technical exchange and research among these organizations, providing inter-disciplinary knowledge synthesis and broad applications of its research. SoilTech’s participating sites have strong education and outreach programs addressing underrepresented populations in STEM fields. These programs will train the next generation of workforce in soil measurement and monitoring practices that will broadly benefit society.
View our April 2021 Planning Meeting
If you missed our April 2021 Virtual Planning Meeting, you can still watch the recordings on our YouTube channel!
View Our December 2020 Informational Webinar
If you missed our December 2020 informational webinar, you can still watch the recording! Hosted in collaboration with UIDP, the webinar introduces the planned research and membership structure of SoilTech.
Unearth the Possibilities – A Proposed NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research Center on Soil Technologies from UIDP.